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Babylon 5 Starfury Thunderbolt

Babylon 5's Starfury makes a great fighter design for SE for its practical design in the show having a multi vector thrust layout. Atmo Ready with Deployable Airfoils, weighing over 128Tons watch your fuel gauge! Back up ice on board. Black Omega Variant Workshop page. Red Baron Variant Workshop page.

The SA-23 Aurora Starfury has been the standard space fighter for all Earth Alliance Space-borne Forces since before the war between the humans and the Minbari. At that time it was one of the most advanced fighter designed and only the fighters of the First Ones, Minbari, and the Centauri. Until the introduction of the SA-26 Thunderbolt Starfury it remained one of the most advanced fighters although had been updated and was on the SA-23E model. Unfortunately, it was not able to fight the Minbari fighters on anything approaching equal combat. Interestingly, this means that there are far fewer of the older models remain because most of them we destroyed during the Earth / Minbari war.

  1. Starfury has other uses. Please see Starfury (disambiguation) for other meanings. The Mk2 SA-23E Mitchell-Hyundyne Starfury is the Earthforce standard non-atmospheric deep space interdiction and recon fighter. It first entered service in the 2240s.N 1 By 2260 Earthforce began to supplement this model with the atmospheric capable Mk3 Thunderbolt, though the Mk2s would remain in active service.
  2. Thunderbolt Starfury (Babylon 5) for Space Engineers. Released Jun 7th, 2020. Ranked 14,150 of 29,658 with 7 (0 today) downloads. Published by Optumiss (mod ID: 132088).
  3. Starfury Thunderbolt Spacemam 1:48. 199x New tool + Actions Stash. Thunderbolt fighter Babylon 5 Alliance 1:72 AM-36. 200x New tool + Actions Stash. Shadow Fighter 144th Squadron 1:144 144-009. 20xx New tool + Actions Stash. Narn Fighter Fantastic Plastic 1:144.
  4. Thunderbolt Starfury (Babylon 5) for Space Engineers. Released Mar 5th, 2020 (updated 145d ago). Ranked 98 of 29,934 with 9,097 (1 today) downloads.

Several variants of the SA-23 exist. The guns on older models inflict less damage and is slightly slower. A common variant is the SA-23H which has four hard points to carry missiles. The ability to carry missiles is standard with the new SA-26 Thunderbolt Starfury. Another version, flown by the Black Omega Squadron, have advanced stealth features (although no where near as advanced as those carried on the Minbari fighters - Treat as having an -50% of not being picked up on radar systems of Earth force tech level - Minbari and Centauri would have no penalties to detect the fighters).

In comparison to modern aircraft, the position of the pilot is unusual. Instead of being seated, the pilot is in almost a standing position. This is not an extreme problem because the pilot will normally be weightless and the cockpit is designed to relive stress from acceleration since the Earthforce has to developed any form of inertial dampening. The controls of the fighter are very responsive and are operated by a combination of hand, foot, and voice-activated controls.

For a Space Fighter for the younger races (with the exception of the Minbari and the Centauri), The SA-23E Aurora Star Fury is well armed. The fighters beam weaponry are four linked pulse cannons. These cannons are used for dogfighting and against capital ships although it takes a large number of fighter runs to do significant damage. This is the reason why the H Version of the Aurora was developed. The H-Version of the Aurora has four missile hard points under its upper wings. This places the missiles in line with the Starfuries center of gravity and makes targeting easier. The SA-23 Aurora Starfury also has a special grappling claw that allows the fighter to grab objects in space.

Crs class light cruiser. The fighter is powered by fusion batteries that while they give good performance have a very limited endurance. The newer Thunderbolt has a much greater endurance. The Aurora star fury is very maneuverable due to the fact the engines are widely separated. The fighters only real weakness compared to some of the fighters of other younger races is that the fighter cannot be used in an atmosphere. If it enters an atmosphere, it will crash.

Listed is the formula to allow player and game masters to calculate the fighter’s velocity and distance traveled:

    Velocity = Acceleration x Time + Initial Velocity
    Distance Traveled = Acceleration x ½ x Time ² + Initial Velocity x Time
    1 G = 32 feet (9.8 m) per second ²
Model Type:SA-23 A, B, COriginal Model Aurora-Class Starfury
SA-23 ELater Model Aurora-Class Starfury
SA-23 HBomber Variant Aurora-Class Starfury
SA-23 PSIPsi Corp Stealth Variant Aurora-Class Starfury
Vehicle Type: Quad Engine Space Fighter
Crew: One
M.D.C. By Location:SA-23 A, B, C:SA-23 E and Later:
Pulse cannons (4):35 each45 each
Engines (4):120 each150 each
Reinforced Pilots Compartment:120150
[1] Main Body:280350

[1] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the aircraft down completely, rendering it useless.

Driving on Ground: Not Possible
Flying; In atmosphere: The SA-23 Aurora Starfury cannot operate within an atmosphere. If the fighter enters an atmosphere, it will crash.
Flying; Space:
SA-23 A, B, C Models: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 8 G but is normally limited to 2 Gs except in combat to conserve fuel.
SA-23 E and Later Models: The fighter does not have an effective top speed but is limited by acceleration. Fighter can reach a top acceleration of 10 G but is normally limited to 2 Gs except in combat to conserve fuel.
Stardrive: The fighter does not have a jump drive but can use already formed jump points such as those formed by jump gates. While in hyperspace, the fighter can reach a maximum of 5 light-year per hour. This means that the fighter could theoretically cover the Galaxy in about 24 month (will need to refuel very often and the fighters are not meant to operate very far from their home base or ship).
Maximum Effective Range: The fighter has enough fuel for 20 minutes at maximum performance. If fighter is operating at less maximum performance, the fighters range is vastly increased. The fighter has 5 hours 20 minutes of endurance if operating at only 2 Gs and for every increase of 2 Gs, the fighter burns reaction mass twice as fast. Fighter uses hydrogen for fuel for a fusion reactor. The fighter can operate with engines on standby to increase fighters range.
Fighter has supplies for the pilot for 4 days.

Statistical Data:
Height: 14.5 feet (4.4 meters)
Length: 35.1 feet (10.7 meters)
Width: 61 feet (18.6 meters)
Weight: 16.5 tons (15 metric tons)
Power System: 3 Fusion Batteries (At maximum output, duration is 20 minutes)
Cargo: Minimal (Storage for small equipment).
Cost:SA-23 A, B, C Models: 8 million to construct, SA-23 E Model: 10 million to construct, SA-23 H Model: 11 million to construct, Black Omega Model: 25 million to construct (Never sold).

Weapons Systems:

  1. Linked Pulse Cannons (4): These cannons are the fighters main anti starfighter and missile weapon system. These cannons fire rapid fire bursts of super charged Plasma and are similar to those carried on the Earth Force Omega and Nova destroyers but are much smaller. These cannons are slightly less powerful that those carried on the Thunderbolt Starfury. The cannons on earlier fighters inflict less damage than those on the present models. Author Note: The source on this weapon system lists the weapons range as 160,000 km. It has been reduces to fit more with Palladium frameworks and because they are a fighter mounted weapon system.
    Mega Damage:
    SA-23 A, B, C Models: 4D4x10 for all four cannons combined. Each cannon does 1D4x10 but all four cannons are normally fired together.
    SA-23 E and Later Models: 4D6x10 for all four cannons combined. Each cannon does 1D6x10 but all four cannons are normally fired together.
    Maximum Effective Range: 10 miles (16 km) in an atmosphere and 995 miles (1,600 km) in space.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the combined hand to hand attacks of the pilot (usually 4 or 5).
    Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
  2. Missiles Hard Points (H-Version Only): The fighter can carry missiles externally under its upper wings. In space the fighter normally carries four long range missiles with fusion warheads but can carry eight medium range or sixteen short range missiles as well. Missiles are assumed to accelerate at 2 times normal mach speed in Gs greater than the starships speed when used in space. Missiles can be launched at non moving targets beyond the powered range of the missiles to hit targets without the chance of the launching ship being hit by missiles itself but penalties exist when launching missiles beyond normal missile range. Missiles can be mixed and matched at the rate of four shot range missiles or two medium range missiles for one long range missile.
    Maximum Effective Range: Varies with missile types, assume power range is 8 x normal in space (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
    Damage: Varies with missile types (Go to revised bomb and missile tables for details.)
    Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8.
    Payload: 4 long range missiles, 8 medium range missile, or 16 short range missiles in space
  3. Grapple Claw: The Aurora Starfighter has a grapple claw that is used for docking with vehicles that do not have landing bays and to grab items. The Grapple Claw has a breaking strain of 100 tons.
    Maximum Effective Range: 30 feet (9.1 meters)
    Mega Damage: None (S.D.C. Targets will take 1D4x10 S.D.C.)
    Rate of Fire: Once per four melees rounds
    Payload: 1 shot but may be retracted and used again

Special Equipment:

  • Stealth Feature (Black Omega Version only): The Black Omega version of the SA-23 Aurora Starfury has advanced stealth feature and has a -50% to be detected because of its stealth. These Stealth Features work on Earthforce, Narn, Drazi, and other members of the less advanced younger races. The Stealth Systems do not work on First Ones sensors or the sensors of the Minbari, Vree, Centauri, or the Drahk. If crossed over into Palladium Game Systems, they would work on the sensor systems of Rifts Earth and Mutants in Orbit but not against the advanced starship systems from Robotech, Macross II, or Phase World.


    The SA-23 Aurora Starfury is very maneuverable and very accurate. Use the Phase World Starfighter combat (Elite or Basic) skill with no additional vehicle bonuses (Pilots skills and statistics still add. to bonuses).

[ Brodkil TM, Bushido Industries TM, CAF TM, Catyr TM, CCW TM, Consortium of Civilized Worlds TM, Coyles TM, Free Worlds Council TM, Gene Splicers TM, K-Hex TM, Kankoran TM, Kittani TM, Kreeghor TM, Machine People TM, M.D.C. TM, Mega-Damage TM, Metzla TM, M’Kri Hardware TM, Monro TM, Mutants in Orbit TM, Naruni Enterprises TM, Noro TM, Paradise Federation TM, Phase World TM, Psylite TM, Rifter TM, SAMAS TM, S.D.C. TM, Seljuks TM, Splugorth TM, Sunaj TM, Trans-Galactic Empire TM, Tri-Galactic Military Service TM, United Worlds Warlock TM, U.W.W. TM, Wolfen TM, and Zembahk TM are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]

[ Beyond the Supernatural®, Heroes Unlimited®, Nightbane®, Ninjas & Superspies®, Palladium Fantasy®, and Rifts® are registered trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc. ]

[ Anla-Shok TM, Brakiri TM, Delenn TM, Dilgar TM, Drahk TM, Drazi TM, Earthforce TM, G'Kar TM, Londo Mollari TM, Minbari TM, Narn TM, Pak'ma'ra TM, Psi-Corp, Starfury TM, Valen TM, Vir Cotto TM, Vorlon TM, Vree TM, and Z'ha'dum TM are trademarks owned by Warner Brothers Television. ]

[ Babylon 5 is copyrighted © Warner Brothers Television. ]

Technical information sourced partially from Babylon 5 Technical Manual!

CGI of Ship by Craig P. Condu . More of his CGI pictures of B-5 Ships at Epsilon Jumpgate.

Writeup by Mischa (E-Mail Mischa) and by Kitsune (E-Mail Kitsune).

Rifts Conversion Copyright © 1998 & 1999, Mischa & Kitsune. All rights reserved.

Babylon 5 Starship Reference

'It was the dawn of the third age of mankind', in the middle of the twenty-third century. Humans are not alone.

Babylon 5 is the story of the last of the Babylon stations, the result of a project intended to find peaceful ways of resolving conflicts between the various races. Unlike most television series, Babylon 5 is a single story, completely planned out from day one with a beginning, middle, and end. Each episode is enjoyable on its own, but is also a piece of a larger whole, a chapter in a five year long novel for television. The setting of the show is affected by events in each episode -- the status quo isn't neatly restored at the end of the hour. Characters die, are reassigned, or are forever changed by their actions and those of the people around them.

Babylon 5 broke a lot of SF TV conventions, and not just because of the way all shows were interconnected in a 5 year arc. Humans and aliens were depicted in a more gritty, realistic way. Poverty, war, prejudice and disease haven't been eliminated - and beings of all races can be stupid, bigoted and greedy as well as altruistic and enlightened. The show also was one one of the few to pay close attention to the laws of physics as we know them - no swooping, Battle-of-Britain style dogfights here. Other, older races may have cracked the code on artificial gravity, but humans are still using spin and centripetal force to mimic it.

(Top) © PTEN 1996;
Bottom via TNT, © WB 1997

Starships and space-going craft are a big part of the show, and were just as different and ground-breaking in their own right. From the deadly elegance of the Minbari to the pure evil of the Shadows to the ugly functionality of the Earth Alliance, unique designs reflected the character of the races that operated them. This is probably best illustrated by the Earth Alliance Starfury fighter. A lot of thought went into the design, not only considering how to make it agile and powerful, but how to make it possible for real people to fly it.

The sections below are divided up by ship type and grouped by alliance. All renders are courtesy of 'Friends of the Alliance'; cockpit photographs are courtesy of Mark Dickson. These images may not be reproduced or redistributed/reposted by any means . so don't even ask.

Earth Alliance Hyperion: Craig Clark was kind enough to send us his detailed renders, based on the wireframe he built. [perspective] [five view]

Starfury Babylon 5


Earth Alliance | Army of Light | First Ones | Other Ships


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (95 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (76 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (70 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (227 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (87 kb)
Image 6: Hull texture (grey areas).
Image 7: Hull texture (blue areas).
Image 8: Solar panel texture map.
Image 9: Front oblique. (103 kb)
Image 10: Front oblique. (89 kb)
Image 11: Rear Oblique. (87 kb)
Image 12: Rear oblique (2). (93 kb)
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Babylon 5 Station. Babylon 5 is the last of the Babylon stations, and the only one to become operational. The Babylon Project was conceived shortly after the end of the disastrous Earth-Minbari War as a means to enable different races to work out their problems without resorting to violence. Something of an 'United Nations' in space, it's a meeting place for diplomats, a trading center and port of call, and a magnet for hustlers, entrepreneurs, wanderers . and the dispossessed.

The station itself is one of the hugest construction projects ever undertaken. It's fully 5 miles long and home to 250,000 beings. It is divided into separate, discrete sections that rotate at differing speeds to provide different gravities. Patterned physically after the work of scientist Gerard O'Neill, the absolute center of the station is hollow, with fields and hydroponic gardens along the 360-degree circular section. A transport tube runs along the long axis in the dead center. The inhabited areas are divided into 5 different 'sectors', each with a different function. The station is protected by an automated defense grid, comprised mainly of turreted energy weapons, and four squadrons of Starfury fighters.

Image 13: Front, off-axis. (58 kb)
Image 14: Front, showing lights. (40 kb)
Image 15: Another off-axis shot. (34 kb)
Image 16: Beauty shot over Epsilon 3. (94 kb)


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (44 kb)
Image 2: Oblique View. (101 kb)
Image 3: Side View, with Minbari. (68 kb)

Babylon 4 Station. Unlike it's three immediate predecessors, Babylon 4 survived construction and became operational (though not for its original purpose). It mysteriously vanished, necessitating the construction of the smaller Babylon 5 - and reappeared two years after B5 went on-line. Its construction crew was rescued by Commader Sinclair shortly before it disappeared for good, yanked back in time more than a thousand years to become a base of operations in the previous great war against the Shadows.


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (50 kb)
Image 2: Bottom view. (34 kb)
Image 3: Top view. (35 kb)
Image 4: Front view. (65 kb)
Image 5: Rear view. (65 kb)
Image 6: Bow detail (side) view.
(85 kb)
Image 7: Rotating section detail view. (132 kb)
Image 8: Engine detail (side) view.
(74 kb)
Image 9: Bow detail (bottom) view.
(51 kb)
Image 10: Center section, bottom detail view. (72 kb)

Omega-class Destroyer - Originally the code name for the 'Advanced Tactical Destroyer' project, the class name reflected the prevailing opinion that, as Earth's ultimate ship design, this would be the last warship class Earth Force would ever need. The Omega class synthesized the best features of the previous Hyperion and Nova classes. They are also the first combat ships to provide simulated gravity, through the use of a rotating center section. Though this allows greater crew efficiency and mission duration, the design imposes it's own unique problems in combat.

Image 11: Bottom detail, engines. (63 kb)
Image 12: Top detail, bow. (55 kb)
Image 13: Top detail, center section. (71 kb)
Image 14: Top detail, engines. (66 kb)
Image 15: Perspective view (front) (83 kb)


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Starfury Mk1. By the mid-twentythird century, the Mitchell-Hyundyne SA-23E Starfury forms the backbone of the Earth Alliance fighter strength. In service for more than a decade, the Starfury has proven itself in combat from one end of the galaxy to the other, from the Earth-Minbari War through the Shadow War and the liberation of Earth. These fighters are carried on all Earth Alliance capital ships, such as the Hyperion-, Nova, and Omega-classes, and are the primary defensive protection for space installations such as the Babylon 5 station.

Image 1: Side view. (99 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (94 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (86 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (80 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (103 kb)
Image 6: Underside iso view. (104 kb)
Image 7: Cockpit: Interior details. (130 kb)
Image 8: Cockpit: Port sSide, looking up and in. (167 kb)
Image 9: Cockpit: Front View, looking up. (130 kb)
Image 10: Cockpit: Port Side, canopy frame in place. (132 kb)

Image 11: Mark in the pilot's seat. Registration code antares ilok. Note that side panels are removable for filming. (147 kb)
Image 12: Engine detail, front. (58 kb)
Image 13: Engine detail, side. (62 kb)
Image 14: Engine detail, top. (122 kb)
Image 15: Close-up, front view (84 kb)
Image 16: Close-up, side view. (87 kb)
Image 17: Close-up, top details. (61 kb)
Image 18: Close-up, wing details. (22 kb)
Image 19: Canopy frame texture map. (25 kb)
Image 20: Engine detail map. (11 kb)

Image 21: Generic wing detail (34 kb)
Image 22: Ion suppression tine. (18 kb)
Image 23: Inner wing details. (64 kb)
Image 24: Engine exhaust detail. (19 kb)


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Thunderbolt Mk2. The Thunderbolt is the newest fighter in the Earth Alliance arsenal, a replacement for the venerable Starfuries. Like it's predecessor, it's agile and heavily armed. Four engines mounted on the 'wings' provide power and maneuverability (through 16 thruster nozzles). Unlike the Starfury, it carries a crew of two in a more conventional fuselage. It is also capable of operating inside an atmosphere, though maneuverability is greatly reduced.

Image 1: Side view. (45 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (87 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (84 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (31 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (32 kb)
Image 6: Cockpit (starboard). (92 kb)
Image 7: Rear position. (83 kb)
Image 8: Front position. (82 kb)
Image 9: Rear position (port). (90 kb)
Image 10: Side view. (53 kb)

Image 11: Top View. (82 kb)
Image 12: Bottom View. (82 kb)
Image 13: Front View. (38 kb)
Image 14: Rear View. (39 kb)
Image 15: Close-up, 'Eagle' markings. (33 kb)
Image 16: Iso View: starboard side. (60 kb)
Image 17: Iso View: port side. (63 kb)
Image 18: Iso View: top left side. (96 kb)
Image 19: Iso View: bottom left side. (93 kb)
Image 20: Iso View: top left (rear). (119 kb)

Image 21: Iso View: bottom left (rear). (87 kb)
Image 22: Iso View: front underside. (66 kb)
Image 23: Iso View: front topside. (91 kb)
Image 24: Iso View: rear underside. (75 kb)

Starfury Thunderbolt


Image 1: Side view. (29 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (51 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (55 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (38 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (38 kb)
Image 6: Same view as thumbnail above, but at 800x600 pixels - perfect for a PC's wallpaper. (75 kb)

The Whitestar-class ships were a secret project initiated by the Minbari religious caste with an eye to the coming Shadow War. A meld of Vorlon and Minbari technology, they are heavily armed, armored and equipped for vessels of their comparatively small size - even including the capability to form their own jump points. The lead ship became operational in 2259, and saw extensive service in the opening salvos of the war, until lost with Captain Sheridan at Zha'ha'dum later that year. By that time, however, hundreds of Whitestars were in service, forming the backbone of the Army of Light's armada, a role they would continue to play during the beginning of the Interstellar Alliance.

Starfury Fighter


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Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (55 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (75 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (75 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (129 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (119 kb)

Vorlon Cruiser. The Vorlons are among the oldest races still living in our galaxy, members of the fabled 'First Ones' who came to life at the dawn of time. Their ships, which look like crosses between garlic cloves and particularly fearsome beetles, are based on organic technology far in advance of anything the younger races possess. The Vorlon Cruiser is a formidable battlewagon and almost as large as Babylon 5. Fleets of these ships were seen in 2259 when the Vorlons joined in the war against the Shadows.


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (87 kb)
Image 2: Front View. (158 kb)
Image 3: Rear View. (162 kb)
Image 4: Oblique View. (98 kb)

Vorlon Transport. Probably the most often seen ships of the secretive Vorlons, the transport appears to be more of a courier ship/diplomatic shuttle/ personal 'yacht' (for lack of a better term) than a cargo vessel. These ships are grown/built for specific individuals (or small groups), to whom they become closely attached. Like all Vorlon ships, they have a degree of awareness and sentience; should their 'masters' die, they will suicide rather than live without them (cf. 'Interludes and Examinations').


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (53 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (56 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (113 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (103 kb)

Vorlon Fighter. The existence of Vorlon fighter craft was not known until the Vorlons began openly attacking Shadow forces (2259 - 'Interludes and Examinations'). Larger than other races' fighters, but more maneuverable and heavily armed, their primary armament appears to be the same powerful energy weapons as the larger Vorlon Cruisers (though putting out significantly less energy, presumably).


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (55 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (65 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (67 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (30 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (31 kb)

Shadow Cruiser. Like the Vorlons, the Shadows are the oldest races still living in our galaxy. Even more secretive than the Vorlons, their agenda remained hidden until late 2259. Champions of evolution, they move behind the scenes, promoting chaos as the best means of advancing the younger races they manipulate.

The Shadow cruiser, or 'Battlecrab', is one of the most feared weapons in their arsenal. Crewed by a single being who acts as a central nervous system for the ship, they are nearly invincible. The 'crew' is also their single vulnerability, being susceptible to telepathic interference. This ship was first seen as early as 2257 ('Signs & Portents').


Image 1: Side view. (64 kb)
Image 2: Bottom View. (89 kb)
Image 3: Top View. (90 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (77 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (75 kb)

Ebw auto stik jr manuals. Shadow Scoutsihip. The Shadow Scoutship was their answer to the Whitestars - a medium-sized vessel with great speed, maneuverability, and a healthy punch. It was first seen in late 2259 in the Army of Light's first successful battle against the Shadows ('Shadow Dancing').


Image: © PTEN/Warner Brothers

Image 1: Side view. (40 kb)
Image 2: Top View. (84 kb)
Image 3: Bottom View. (84 kb)
Image 4: Front View. (76 kb)
Image 5: Rear View. (67 kb)

Shadow Fighter. These small ships are carried by Battlecrabs and 'spit out' in swarms when needed. They appear to be at least an even match for most races' fighter craft. Probably unmanned, it is unclear whether they are guided by the mother ship or an on-board computer/intelligence.

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Last updated 27 December 2001. This page copyright 1998-2001, Starship Modeler.

Babylon 5 Starfury Thunderbolt
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